A Rescue Dog Dreams

Ella Rose, boarded outdoors two years in Copemish, brought home from Manistee’s Homeward Bound Shelter.

Do you know that moment

Advertisement for Honor Onekama Building Supply. Family owned since 1963. Knowledge. Service, Integrity. Here to help you with your hardware and building projects. Call 231-889-3456. Located at 4847 Main Street, Onekama. Click on this ad to be taken to the website.Advertisement from the Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts in Manistee announces Manistee County comes together to celebrate the life of JAmes Earl Jones. Jones was born in 1931 and died in 2024. He grew up in Manistee County and began acting at the Ramsdell in the 1950s. The celebration is Friday, January 17 beginning at 5 p.m. with a program and reception in honor of Mister Joneses life and birthday. The Ramsdell is located at 101 Maple Street. Next at 7 p.m. there will be a presentation and a movie showing at The Vogue Theatre in Manistee, 383 River Street. For more information go to: https://ramsdell dot orgAdvertisement for Louisa Loveridge Gallas's book called The WIzards Dream: A Universal Winter's Tale. Original wood cut illustrations by Sydney Replogle. A red ribbon across the top of the ad has the words: Finalist: Eric Hoffer Foundation Literary Award. There is a testimonial by nationally known singer-songwriter and recording artist Claudia Schmidt that says: Louisa introduces us to the wizard who lives in each of us...whose journey through his own dark time is a reminder of distress, change and renewal during the holidays, often a time of confusion and wonder. There is a cover of the book on one side of the ad with a gold seal that says Finalist, Eric Hoffer Literary Award and on the other side of the ad is a black and white photo of the author wearing an artsy looking handmade hat, beneath it her smiling eyes behind a pair of glasses. Wisps of her bangs appear beneath the hat. A yellow ribbon at the bottom of the ad says: Available at The Book Store, Frankfort; the Oliver Art Center Gift Shop; Patina; and other local shops and holiday festivals.

just before sleep, eyes barely open,

in a twilight consciousness,

journeying toward rest,

perhaps to dream?

As we watch our dog,

Ella Rose,

so tired after a hard run

in the woods, she can barely

stay awake. Her eyes almost close.

We whisper to each other.

Even with our hushed voices,

she raises her head to stay

alert, a rescue dog’s vigilance.

We say, Shhhhhh. Let her rest!”

Such a precious experience,

to witness her last effort

before she feels safe to let go.

Soon deeply asleep, she dreams,

her nose twitches, full body quivers,

paws curve and tremble.

Can our affectionate Ella Rose,

who loves to snuggle,

be chasing a terrified rabbit

to snap its neck?

Or may we imagine

she’s dreaming the promise

of a treat after her Kibbles dinner,

a domesticated “Greenie” bone

she’ll toss in the air, tease,

then tear to shreds and devour

on our cozy flowered living room rug,

here in her homey refuge, yet fierce

as if she’s in the wild wild woods

where some rabbit, safe in its burrow

just now, is dreaming a reprieve

from fleeing for its life.

                                               —Louisa Loveridge Gallas         

1 Comment

  1. I could so imagine Ella Rose’s movements as I remember my own rescued black lab mix after a wonderful run along Lake Michigan’s shore at 1st St. Beach, Manistee. Chase would get antsy waiting for me to grab his lease as he knew it was time to go. At 13 1/2, we had to put him down last month and still can’t shake the feeling he is still in his spot waiting for me to take him for a run. Dogs are so perceptive, loving and mightily missed when gone. Hope you have many more years with Ella Rose.

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