“First fish.”  Courtesy photo.

By Joshua Elie

During our first telephone conversation, I asked Pat, Freshwater Reporter’s co-editor, about the possibility of writing a story or two for the paper. She explained about the community focus of the paper and the type of stories she likes to publish, adding, “Some people glance at the name of our paper and say, ‘Oh, the fishing report,’ or they think it’s a bunch of fishing stories.”

I believe that’s the only time I have ever heard her speak in less than the most sparkling, positive tone. (She assured me later that she and her future husband and co-editor spent many of their first dates fishing.)

Advertisement for author Joseph Stanley's new political thriller. the advertisement's headline is Meet the Author. Discover dark secrets and high stakes in this gripping romantic thriller that dares you to look away. June 28, 4 to 6 p.m. Patina Gallery. 4850 Main Street also known as M-22 in downtown Onekama. Signed copies. Wine and cheese reception. From the mind of Joseph Stanley comes this new revenge thriller Collective Vengeance. The story brings readers of suspense and mystery and tantalizing mix of dark secrets, high stakes, shocking twists and a dash of romance in this gripping piece of contemporary fiction. Collective Vengeance is more than a thriller; it's a mirror reflecting the contemporary debates on individual rights, political interference and the judiciary. Dive into a world where every revelation raises the stakes and justice hangs in the balance. Click on this ad to be taken to the author's website or visit his facebook page at Joseph Stanley Writes. The book is available for purchase at local booksellers and online.Advertisement for Saint Ambrose Cellars shows in the background the big red barn and grounds of the meadery taken from the air. The honey bee logo is at the top of the ad and seems to hang in the blue sky. Words below the photo of the barn read mead, beer, wine, food, live music, family fun, lawn games, disc golf. Open 7 days a week. there is a Q.R. code to scan with a smartphone or tablet. The ad says click here to be taken to the website. Located at 841 South Pioneer Road outside Beulah. Call 231-383-4262.Advertisement for Yellow Dog Cafe in Onekama is of a lime green goofy cartoon dog with super small eyes, pointy ears, long body and a very long nose upon which is balanced a coffee cup. The words say Simple clean food crafted with locally sourced ingredients. 4850 Main Street , Onekama. Open Wednesday thru Saturday, 8 to 3, Sunday 8 to 2. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Phone 231508-5008. click on this ad to be taken to the cafe's Facebook page for updates.

Well, with the lilacs in bloom, or soon to be, if you love fishing as much as I do, you really can’t think about anything else. A beautiful, sunny day on the water, surrounded by the serene sounds and sights of nature. A gift of peaceful bliss.


About this time last year, “Blaze,” who lives in Pennsylvania and is my best friend in the whole wide world, calls me up and tells me he has always dreamed of fishing in the North Woods. Hey, perfect timing. Come on up. Now, my friend Blaze is a little bit “directionally challenged,” so it takes him 16 hours to make the 9-hour drive.

Anyway, here we are. I’ve got my little tin boat up on the trailer, loaded with all the poles, tackle, trolling motor, cooler full of “refreshments”… almost everything we need, including the anchors I built and haven’t had a chance to use yet.

Freshwater Reporter contributing writer Joshua Elie holds one of his homemade anchors, cut posts set in cement in a plastic coffee container. Courtesy photo.
Homemade anchor. Courtesy photo.

Next stop: fishing license. I already have mine, but the internet is down, so they “can’t process anything from out-of-state,” meaning, his license. We may or may not have driven all the way to Manistee to get his. Or I may or may not have agreed to pay the fine if there were any problems, because we are now on a mission for sun and water. One more stop: Pappy’s Bait and Tackle. I love local bait shops. They are where you get your real fishing reports, and they always have the freshest bait.

Then, it’s off to the lake we go.

Boat’s in the water now, and I park the truck. I come back down to the water’s edge, and the boat is really in the water, like, away from shore. Seems that my good friend Blaze, trying to find a cell signal, has walked off. So, hey, nice hot, sunny day for a swim.

Minutes of water aerobics later, the boat’s ready to go, though I forgot my Gerber (pliers, knife, all-in-one kind of thing) in the truck. Now, I always leave my keys in the truck when I head out on the water, so they don’t fall into the drink. My friend Blaze has conscientiously locked the truck doors, but we are still all good. Just call my dad to bring the spare key; he is always looking for something to do, anyway. Surely somebody living on the lake still has a landline, so we will just ask around while we are fishing.


Off we go for a sunny day on the water, serene sounds and sights, blissing now that we are catching fish!  Well, I am catching fish. Blaze’s first catch is his brand new 10-gallon Stetson hat, but no harm, no foul. It should be noted that Blaze has a few pounds on me, and when I look over I notice there is a good deal of water in his side of the boat. It’s my first trip on the water this year, so I was bound to forget something, and this time it is the drain plug and something to bail with. Good thing I have a pen in my pocket just the right size to plug the hole, and good thing for Blaze’s size 13 swamp shoes bailing us out.

A bit later, I hook a nice bass, though my line is too light to pull him into the boat. I reach over to grab him, and in I go.  Now, you can’t just pull yourself from the water and into such a small, light boat; you have to swim it to shore to climb aboard. My brilliant friend is confident he can just lean back and pull me up and in with no problem. So, there we are, swimming the boat to shore together. And we do find someone with a landline.

Here comes the storm cloud.

It’s cold now. Time to call it a day. Truck’s unlocked. Blaze’s first priority is to try to find a cell signal, and the wind is really picking up. I get one last swim to chase the loose boat again. Then, it’s time to go home and clean the fish. We can’t stop laughing because we both still managed to catch our limit.

Two coolers, one red, one white, sit in the back of Freshwater Reporter contributing writer Joshua Elie's pickup truck with a fine catch of bluegill, pumpkinseed and one bass resting on the truck's bed. Courtesy photo.
Catch of the day: bluegill, pumpkinseed and one bass. Courtesy photo.



  1. Great story! Sounds like quite the adventure. Did you cook any that evening?

    • admin Reply

      Carla–Usually I cook panfish (what we caught) the next day. The actual catch was bigger than in the picture. There was enough for 10 meals, though with 4 people in the house it didn’t last long. -Joshua (The Sauce Boss)

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