Story and photo by Kevin Howell

Homegrown pumpkins decorate the scary Halloween scene at the home of Sharon Sloan on U.S. Highway 10, just west of Walhalla. The main feature, a larger-than-life devil head and hands, once haunted an amusement park near the Pennsylvania-New York state line. 

Carvings of damned souls appear in the fingerprints. 

Advertisement shows a wintry background of blue and white with evergreen trees at the bottom. It is snowing. The words say: Meet Children's Author Don Hansen signing his new book Meg and the Manistee Christmas during Manistee's Victorian Weekend. Friday, December 6 thru Sunday December 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hoot and Honey Bookstore at 358 River Street in downtown Manistee. There are two reviews about the book. the first is from Derek age 40: Wonderful story with a great message! The local places and attractions throughout the book really puts the story at home for me. End of quotation. the next review is from Mallory, age 8: I liked how Meg got to see Santa on a ship going through the bridge so she KNOWS Santa is real! The word knows is in all capital letters to emphasize the word. The book and others Don Hansen has written are available at Hoot and Honey Bookstore in Manistee, the Book Mark in Ludington and on Amazon.Advertisement for Saint Ambrose Cellars in Beulah. The company logo of a beer with a womans face and large wings is at the top. A photo of the cellars red barn in winter with snow surrounding it and on the roof is beneath the logo. The sky is bright blue and the logo seems to float in the sky. Below the barn is a black box with yellow writing with the words: mead, beer, wine, food, live music, disc golf, indoor and patio seating. Open 7 days a week. There is a Q.R. code with the words scan me next to it for smart devices to point their cameras at and be taken to the events. Next to it the words say check out our event line up and weekday specials. Located at 841 South Pioneer Road in Beulah. Phone 231-383-4262. Click on this ad to be taken to the website.North Channel Brewing advertisement shows a stack of onion rings, a pint of beer between two plates of food, one a sandwich and fries and the other of nachos or a Mexican looking dish and they are set beside the river. A third photo shows a section of the front of the brick brewery on 86 Washington Street in Manistee. The message is Craft Everything. Food, beer, wine and spirits. Click on this ad to be taken to their website.

Lucifer’s corporeal parts were purchased about 15 years ago by Sloan’s son Bob, who also grows the pumpkins Sloan sells. The satanic structure is just one of five built for amusement parks, according to Sloan. 

Another devil head burned in Hell, Michigan. Sloan said hers may be the only one still terrorizing Earth.

A winged demon appears to “sit” where Satan’s shoulder should be. A ghost “ship” of skeleton pirates has reappeared after several years. 

Take your picture with the devil and leave a tip. Don’t forget to buy a pumpkin.

Remember: Satan is watching.

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