“Secret in the Garden,” oil painting by Melonie Steffes. Photo: P. Stinson.
By Pat Stinson, from press reports
MANISTEE – The enchantment of a forest setting captured the imaginations of storytellers long ago, who placed fairies, elves, witches and gingerbread houses among the trees as enticements or warnings for children who might wander too far into the woods.
The Enchanted Forest art exhibition, showing now through July 9 in the Hardy Hall at Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts, explores both the real and mystical qualities of forests.
The city of Manistee lies just outside the Manistee National Forest and is the site of the annual Manistee National Forest Festival, held this year from June 30 through July 4. Organizers of the art exhibition said the show “is meant to reflect the beauty and enchantment of the Manistee National Forest and all forests of Michigan.”
Forty-five artists representing 11 cities submitted more than 100 works of photography, drawing, painting and sculpture.

Included is a 3-D miniature enchanted forest of fairy houses, fairy doors, flora and fauna. Children and adults may embark on a “I Spy…” hunt as they stroll through the display to find small creatures and messages.
The art center is located at 101 Maple Street. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 1-5 p.m., and Saturdays, 12-3 p.m. For information, visit: ramsdelltheatre.org.