A giant duck leads children, including the Manistee National Forest Festival Princess and Prince, toward downtown during 2019 festivities. Courtesy photo.
From staff reports
MANISTEE ̶ Five full days of fun, including Independence Day celebrations, will take place near the waterfront during the annual Manistee National Forest Festival, June 30-July 4.
The festival, with events held primarily at Douglas Park and First Street Beach, is hosted by the Manistee County Chamber of Commerce.

The festival tradition stretches back more than 80 years.
“This signature festival draws thousands of people, along with many returning with ties to the area and region, and embodies the idea of ‘Community’ that so many love about Manistee County,” stated Stacie Bytwork, president and CEO of the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce.

Favorite festival activities include Anderson Midway carnival rides, family day, Jaycees beach bash, Whispering Pines Mobile Zoo, a concert by the Scottville Clown Band, an Independence Day flag-raising ceremony and parade, and fireworks over Lake Michigan.
Find the full schedule at: ManisteeForestFestival.com and follow Manistee National Forest Festival on Facebook.
Enchanted Forest Art Exhibit coincides with forest festival