By Pat Stinson

Just in time for the holidays, a little book with big messages for young adults to mature adults can be found in area bookstores. “The Wizard’s Dream: A Universal Winter’s Tale”, (2021, Singing Road Press), is a 32-page story exquisitely written by Arcadia poet and author Louisa Loveridge Gallas.

You may recognize her name, as Gallas has submitted several poems this year for Freshwater Reporter’s pages and is currently considered the paper’s “poet-in-residence.”

“The Wizard’s Dream” is the tale of a young wizard, Geldin L’Chaim Hallelujah, who must find his way out of dark times by coming to terms with the contradictions in his triple lives.

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The book has high production values – quality paper, high-resolution fine art reproductions and a pleasing, easy-to-read typeface and design.

The story has received accolades from some prestigious individuals, among them the publisher and former editor of “The Writer”, a former media critic for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and a national recording artist, (Claudia Schmidt).

Of the book, Roberta Hanus, MSW, a clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, wrote:

“As a poet, musician and therapist, Louisa unfolds an enchanting story of hope and healing. It delights in the mysterious challenge our lives provide: learning to be playful. The artist’s (Sidney Replogle) well-crafted block prints expand this heart and humor perfectly, illustrating the vision.”

Now in its fifth printing, “The Wizard’s Dream” was a finalist in The Eric Hoffer Award for “Excellence in Independent Publishing”.

“I’m proud of the Eric Hoffer award as his foundation carries on his literary and social activism,” Gallas said. “He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981.”

Asked her inspiration for “The Wizard’s Dream”, Gallas replied:

“The inspiration for this story is my passion to understand the blend of wisdom and suffering in our nature, how we humans can become more generous and delightful to each other and within ourselves in the mystery of our complex lives on this magical globe. So I created a young Wizard and his mentor, Goldora the Gloom Piercer, on their heartfelt mission: to explore our nature’s possibilities and uplift us. Especially during our winter holidays’ rituals of miracles, renewal and hope.”

Copies of “The Wizard’s Dream” are available for sale for $10 each at Happy Owl Bookshop, 358 River St., Manistee, and at The Bookstore, 330 Main St., Frankfort. Those unable to shop locally may email the author at: . For more information about the author and poet, go to:


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1 Comment

  1. Since discovering this little gem of a book some time back, I have given it to several people as a holiday gift. Thanks for bringing its quiet wisdom to the attention of others – and yes, it is beautifully produced, a pleasure to hold in your hands.

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